How Pomodoro Technique Can Help Us to Focus

Jehan el
2 min readOct 6, 2022

Sometimes when focused on something, we were so easier get distracted out of nowhere. Have you ever felt that too?

Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash

So once I started to feel overwhelmed to concentrate, I decided to googling about study techniques. And I found a suitable technique to adapt for my learning process.

Yep, I found the Pomodoro as a stable technique. Pomodoro is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s. So far, the Pomodoro learning technique has kept me focused when I need to spend time focusing on one thing.

So how does Pomodoro work?

Using this technique, we will be asked to divide our learning focus into several time intervals. Therefore, before learning, we must know the purpose of learning at that time.
For example, when I learn about Ant subject, I will divide it into several focuses.

Step to do Pomodoro Technique:

  • First, explore the material with mini-research about the subject (at this point I use Ant as a example subject, so I explore about that Ant).
  • Second, start reading to understand the material. After finished to explore about Ant, I start to dig in the material about them and read to understand more and more.
  • Last, we can try to completing the task. After finished do some mini researches and read them, fill the task can make us more understand about the subject.

After dividing the focus according to the learning objectives, we can start turning on the alarm for an estimated 25 minutes for each focus setting.

Every 25 minutes, remember to give your brain a break. But rest a little bit, ok? 5 minutes is enough. Because if it takes too long, it is feared that learning efficiency will decrease later.

After that, we can continue for 25 minutes with another focus until the learning process is complete.

Sounds very simple, doesn’t it? Here, Pomodoro forms a focus pattern in the period we have set. But if we don’t really study at that time, then this Pomodoro technique will be in vain.

So how do you focus?

Photo by Alex Ghizila on Unsplash

Just short trivia, Pomodoro means tomato in Italian. Inspired by a kitchen timer which is usually in the form of a tomato. Thinking about Pomodoro makes me wanna buy a Pomodoro timer because it’s so cute, right :)

